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Revd Canon Dr Charlotte Methuen

Invited and Keynote Lectures

August 2012:  “Paul’s Cross and the Culture of Persuasion in England 1520-1640,” International Conference of the McGill Centre for Research on Religion, McGill University, Montreal, Canada; paper title:  “Preaching and the shaping of  Public Consciousness in late sixteenth-century Tübingen.”

July 2012:  “By whose authority? An interfaith look at women and religious authority,” Annual Conference of Modern Church; paper title: “‘I, who knew that I was privileged to converse with the Lord…’:  Christian women and religious authority in third-century North Africa.”

April 2012:  Edinburgh Science Festival; member of panel for discussion of “Trusting in science or in God?”

February 2011:  “Celebrating the King James Bible 1611– 2011:  A Conference to Celebrate the 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible,” Diocese of Edinburgh of the Scottish Episcopal Church, Holy Trinity Church, Haddington; paper title:  “Translating the Bible in the Reformation: The Historical and Theological Context of the King’s James Bible.”

5 November 2009:  “In Our Time” (Radio Four): “The Siege of Münster – Apocalypse 1535,” panellist with Diarmaid MacCulloch and Lucy Wooding.

October 2009:  “Numinous Numbers: Mathematics, Philosophy, and Theology – An Interdisciplinary Symposium in Celebration of the Double Bicentenary of Hermann Grassmann and Benjamin Peirce,” organised by the John Templeton Foundation, Cambridge, MA; paper title:  “The German Reformation and the Mathematization of the Created World.”

March 2009: Annual General Meeting and Day Conference of the Anglican-Lutheran Society; paper title: “Anglican - Lutheran Relations: an update.”

September 2008:  Symposium on “The Church of England in the Twentieth Century,” University of Cambridge; paper title:  “George Bell and the Making of the Appeal to All Christian People (Lambeth 1920).”

July 2008:  “Saving the Soul of Anglicanism,” Annual Conference of Modern Church; paper title: “ ‘In the which the pure Word of God is preached and the Sacraments be duly administered’:  The Ecclesiology of the Church of England in the context of the European Reformation.”

May 2008:  Ecumenical Guest lecture, University of Mainz; lecture title: “Frauenordination als prophetische Chance für die Ökumene. Anglikanische Perspektiven.”

October 2007:  “Naturwissenschaft und Religion im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert,” annual conference of the Verein für Reformationsgeschichte, Stiftung Leucorea, Wittenberg; paper title:  “ ‘To delineate the divinity of the Creator’:  The search for Platonism in late sixteenth-century Tübingen.”

August 2007:  “Humanism, Hebraism and Scholasticism:  the ‘new’ hermeneutics of Peter Martyr Vermigli (1499-1562),” International Conference of the McGill Centre for Research on Religion, McGill University, Montreal, Canada; paper title:  “Peter Martyr Vermigli’s exegetical lectures at the University of Oxford.”

June 2007:  Symposium, “Gott heißt nicht nur ‘Vater’:  Gottes Name und Metaphern für Gott in der Bibel in gerechter Sprache”, University of Hamburg; paper:  “HERR – HErr. Zum Umgang mit dem Kyriostitel in der früh¬neuzeitlichen Bibelübersetzung.”

June 2007: Symposium “Die diakonische Funktion der Kirchen”, Karl-Franzens-University, Graz; paper: “Diakonat ohne Diakonie?  Eine geschichtliche Überlegung zur Stellung von Diakon, Diakonisse, und Diakonin in der anglikanischen Kirche.”

November 2006:  “Kinder haben – KindSein – GeborenSein,” conference of the German section of the European Society for Women in theological research, Gelnhausen; keynote lecture.  “ ‘Denke an dein Kind, das ohne dich nicht leben kann!’:  Mütter in der Nachfolge Christi.”

12 October 2006: “In Our Time” (Radio Four): “The Diet of Worms – Luther’s stand against the Church,” panellist with Diarmaid MacCulloch and David Bagchi.

June 2006:  Colloquium:  “ « Nouveau Ciel, Nouvelle Terre » La révolution copernicienne dans l’Allemagne de la Réforme 1530 – 1630,” Université Marc Bloch Strasbourg:  paper title “From sola scriptura to astronomia nova: Johannes Kepler and the definition of a new scientific orthodoxy.”

March 2006:  “The Reformation in Europe,” Annual Conference of the Conference of the Society for Reformation Studies; keynote speaker; paper title “Reformation in Europe:  theological, ecclesiological or political?”

November 2005:  Lecture series in association with the exhibition “Ernst Barlach – Mystiker der Moderne,” Christuskirche, Mainz; lecture title: “Mystikerinnen im Mittelalter: Theologie einer weiblichen Gotteserfahrung?“

September 2005:  International Anglican/Old Catholic Conference, keynote speaker; paper title “Anglican Ecclesiology at the time of the Bonn Agreement (1931).”

February 2002: Seminar series “Heterodoxy in Early Modern Science and Religion,” All Saints, University of Oxford; paper title: “Johannes Kepler and the Definition of Orthodoxy”

October 2001:  European Science Foundation, Workshops on Science and Human Values, Istanbul; paper title: “On the problem of defining Lutheran Natural Philosophy.”

May 1998:  University Ringvorlesung “Feministische Perspektiven auf religiöse Traditionen,“ Ruhr-Universität Bochum; paper title: “Der Altar Gottes schweift niemals umher ...". Die Witwe im Neuen Testament und in der Alten Kirche” with Dr. Angela Standhartinger.

July 1997: Vorträge auswärtiger Gelehrter an der Evangelisch-Theologischen Fakultät, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster; paper title: "Die Autori­tät von Frauen in der Alten Kirche anhand der Witwen der syrischen Didaskalie."

Dec 1996:  International Colloquium Sciences et Religions de Copernic à Galilée (1540-1610), Rome; paper title: “The teachers of Johannes Kepler: theological impulses to the study of the heavens.”

May 1995Conversations with Aristotle: Philosophy in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, a conference of the British Society for Philosophy, Cambridge; paper title: “The teaching of Aristotle in late sixteenth-century Tübingen.”



additional papers at conferences of the Ecclesiastical History Society, the Society for Reformation Studies, the European Society for the Study of Science and Theology, the European Society for Women in Theological Research, the Centre for Philosophy of the Renaissance (Nijmegen)